Agricultural Exhibition at Roorkee, North-West Provinces of India: general view, 1864. Engraving of a photograph by Mr. James Freeman, of ...the entrance to the showyard from the high road outside...There were some beautiful horses from every district of Upper India, various species of oxen and cows, a two-humped camel, some elks, and even a tiger cat, which could hardly be reckoned among the domestic animals. The show of sheep and poultry was not very good. In the department of machinery there were chaff-cutting machines, seed-crushers, and cotton-gins, a large hydraulic cotton-press, and several machines for raising water, fixed beside the canal adjoining the showyard. As Roorkee is situated on the road to the great fair of Hurdwar, frequented by many thousands of the Hindoos at that season, the number of visitors to the exhibition was very great. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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