Canned Beer Will Take Less Space in Derby Day Hampers - Plan to Oust Bottles . Canned beer is to make its appearance in Derby Day hampers . The new containers , which it is hoped will soon be popular in England , are said to have many advantages over glass bottles but in no way affect the flavour of the beer . Compared with bottled beer , canned beer , when taken on a journey , saves about 35 % in space and about 40 % in weight . The can is laquered inside , and is then treated with a film of wax that prevents the beer coming into contact with the metal . Four breweries have so far adopted the canning idea in England , but 80 firms are experimenting . In America the system is already well established and there is an estimated output of 4 , 000 , 000 cans of beer a day . Photo shows : A girl sampling a glass of canned beer . 21 May 1936 *** Local Caption ***

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