Tokugawa Tsunayoshi (February 23; 1646-February 19; 1709) was the fifth shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty of Japan. He is known for instituting animal protection laws; particularly for dogs. This earned him the nickname of 'dog shogun'.

In 1691; Engelbert Kaempfer visited Edo as part of the annual Dutch embassy from Dejima in Nagasaki. He journeyed from Nagasaki to Osaka; to Kyoto; and there to Edo. Kaempfer gives us information on Japan during the early reign of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. As the Dutch embassy entered Edo in 1692; they asked to have an audience with Shogun Tsunayoshi. While they were waiting for approval; a fire destroyed six hundred houses in Edo; and the audience was postponed.

Tsunayoshi and several of the ladies of the court sat behind reed screens; while the Dutch embassy sat in front of them. Tsunayoshi took an interest in Western matters; and apparently asked them to talk and sing with one another for him to see how Westerners behaved. Tsunayoshi later put on a No drama for them.

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