They are known; variously; as sadhus (saints; or 'good ones'); yogis (ascetic practitioners); fakirs (ascetic seeker after the Truth) and sannyasins (wandering mendicants and ascetics). They are the ascetic - and often eccentric - practitioners of an austere form of Hinduism. Sworn to cast off earthly desires; some choose to live as anchorites in the wilderness. Others are of a less retiring disposition; especially in the towns and temples of Nepal's Kathmandu Valley.

If the Vale of Kathmandu seems to boast more than its share of sadhus and yogis; this is because of the number and importance of Hindu temples in the region. The most important temple of Vishnu in the valley is Changunarayan; and here the visitor will find many Vaishnavite ascetics. Likewise; the most important temple for followers of Shiva is the temple at Pashupatinath. Vishnu; also known as Narayan; can be identified by his four arms holding a sanka (sea shell); a chakra (round weapon); a gada (stick-like weapon) and a padma (lotus flower). The best-known incarnation of Vishnu is Krishna; and his animal is the mythical Garuda.

Shiva is often represented by the lingam; or phallus; as a symbol of his creative side. His animal is the bull; Nandi; and his weapon is the trisul; or trident. According to Hindu mythology Shiva is supposed to live in the Himalayas and wears a garland of snakes. He is also said to smoke a lot of bhang; or hashish.

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