Born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus; Nero was the only son of Agrippina the Younger; who would later marry his great-uncle Emperor Claudius. Claudius adopted Nero and was made heir and successor alongside Claudius' own son Brittanicus. Nero acceded to the throne after Claudius' death in 54 CE; possibly poisoned at the hands of Nero's mother.

Nero's reign is infamous for his corruption; tyranny and extravagance; as well as his many executions; including that of his mother and the poisoning of his stepbrother Britannicus soon after the start of his rule. His most infamous mark on history however; is his presumed starting of the Great Fire of Rome in 64 CE; which caused widespread destruction and was intentionally done to clear space for Nero's planned palatial complex; the Domus Aurea.

In 68 CE; Nero was driven from the throne by rebellion; and he committed suicide that same year. With his death came the the end of the Julio-Claudian dynasty; leading to the tumultuous period known as the Year of the Four Emperors.

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