No. 15 Squadron was first formed at Farnborough Airfield on March 1, 1915 as a RFC training unit. It was equipped with Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2cs, supplemented with a few Bristol Scout, and moved to France on December 22, 1915, operating in the reconnaissance role in support of the Army. It operated in support of IV Corps during the Battle of the Somme in summer 1916, suffering heavy losses from both ground fire and German fighter aircraft. It was praised by Douglas Haig for its work in support of the Fifth Army in the Ancre salient in January 1917. It was again heavily committed to action in support of the offensive at Arras in Spring 1917. It re-equipped with the Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.8 in June 1917, and continued reconnaissance missions until the end of the First World War. Caption: "A de-briefing session. Major H.V. Stammers MC (with scarf) CO of No. 15 Squadron, receives reports from his RE8 crews after flying over the German lines on March 25, 1918."

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