LSE4329169 Scene of looting in the pristine forest, the expedition is surprised by Chunchos Indians, who plunder the bales, taking away everything that had sharpened their lust, axes, knives, boots and clothes... but without violence, with cries of joy and jokes; in the valley of Caravaya (Andes). Engravure pour illustrrer le voyage dans les vallees de Quinquinas (Peru), by Paul Marcoy, in 1849-1861, published in ??????Le tour du monde??????????1872, edited by Edouard Charton, edition Hachette, Paris. Selva Collection. by Unknown Artist, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Scene of looting in the pristine forest, the expedition is surprised by Chunchos Indians, who plunder the bales, taking away everything that had sharpened their lust, axes, knives, boots and clothes... but without violence, with cries of joy and jokes; in the valley of Caravaya (Andes). Engravure pour illustrrer le voyage dans les vallees de Quinquinas (Peru), by Paul Marcoy, in 1849-1861, published in ??????Le tour du monde??????????1872, edited by Edouard Charton, edition Hachette, Paris. Selva Collection.); Photo by Leonard de Selva.

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