5920800 Marching order, July 1854 (pen and ink and watercolour ) by Colville, William James (1827-1903); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: Marching order, July 1854. Pen and ink and watercolour by Captain (later Col) the Honourable William James Colville (1827-1903), Rifle Brigade, 1854 circa. On 17 April 1854, while advanced elements of the British Army were still at Gallipoli, Lord Raglan had been notified that white calico shako covers were being sent from England. Lord Hardinge was anxious that they should be used and on 22 June the deputy adjutant-general wrote to Raglan from Horse Guards that: \'The General Commanding in Chief being deeply impressed, from his own experience in India, .. of the importance of keeping the head well protected from the sun, has directed me to bring to your Lordship?s notice the expediency of ordering the troops under your command, to wear during the hot weather, on all occasions, the white linen cap covers which have been provided, on the recommendation of the General Commanding in Chief, at the Expence of the Public.\'); by National Army Museum .

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