5922847 Sergeant-Major Yowere bin Odong DCM, 4th (Uganda) Battalion, King?s African Rifles, 1944 circa (b/w photo) by Unknown photographer, (20th century); National Army Museum, London; (add.info.: Platoon Sergeant-Major Yowere bin Odong DCM, 4th (Uganda) Battalion, The King?s African Rifles, 1944 circa. Photograph, World War Two, Far East, 1944 circa. Yowere was the sergeant-major of Number 8 Platoon in ?A? Company. He is wearing the ribbon of the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM), awarded for his bravery in attacking a Japanese position at Leik Hill in Burma on 22 October 1944. The citation for his award reads: ?Although wounded in the leg and only able to hobble he continued to lead his platoon against stiff opposition and personally led a ?Blitz? attack against an enemy LMG [Light Machine-Gun] in a bunker, capturing it and killing four of the enemy, and thus enabling the remainder of the Company to advance on its objective. He continued in action until the whole objective was made secure and by his staunchness and coolness throughout was the inspiration of his men.? From an album of 608 photographs compiled by Colin Campbell of the King?s African Rifles.); by National Army Museum ; out of copyright.

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