Maximian (250-310) was born in the province of Pannonia to a family of shopkeepers, and joined the army as soon as he could, serving alongside future co-emperor Diocletian under emperors Aurelian, Probus and Carus. After Diocletian became emperor in 284, Maximian was soon appointed co-emperor in 286, matching Maximian's military brawn with Diocletian's political brain. Maximian spent most of his time on campaign, fighting against the Germanic tribes along the Rhine frontier and in Gaul. When the man Maximian had appointed to govern the Channel shores, Carausius, rebelled in 286 and seceded Britain and northwestern Gaul from the Roman Empire, Maximian tried but failed to oust Carausius. The rebellion was eventually crushed in 296, and Maximian moved south to fight pirates near Hispania. He eventually returned to Italy in 298, living in comfort until he abdicated in 305 alongside Diocletian, handing power to the other two co-emperors of the Tetrachy, Constantius and Galerius, and retiring to southern Italy. Maximian returned to power in 306 when he aided his son Maxentius' rebellion. He later tried to depose his son but failed, fleeing to the court of Constantius' successor, Constantine. He was forced to renounce his title by Diocletian and Galerius, and he committed suicide in 310 after a failed attempt to usurp Constantine's title.

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