Z.C. Pearson, Esq., Mayor of Hull - from a photograph by Mayall, 1860. At four years of age [Mr. Zachariah Charles Pearson] was left an orphan...When thirteen years old the lad, at his earnest solicitations, was allowed to enter the merchant service...When Mr. Pearson became of age he commanded the finest ship then sailing out of Hull, and after a short time had a vessel of his own in charge...He subsequently established a fine of packets, called the Intercolonial Royal Mail, between Sydney and New Zealand...Mr. Pearson carries on business at Hull and in London as merchant and shipowner, under the firm of Z. C. Pearson and Co.; he has steamers in the transport service in China, vessels in India, and steamers running regularly weekly to all the Baltic ports from Hull and London...The desire to see the town of Hull possessed of a peoples park was with him predominant long before he was elevated to the chief magistracy, and events happened at the close of last year which gave him the opportunity of gratifying his inclination. The Peoples Park given by Mr. Pearson "for the recreation and amusement of the inhabitants of Hull," and which was formally opened with becoming honours on Monday week, consists of about twenty-eight acres of land.... From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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