The International Exhibition: new swing-cradle by Norman, 1862. This little arrangement, which is of the deepest interest to our fair readers, may be said to be a cradlelike cot which swings from head to foot, and not from side to side in the usual manner, the peculiarity consisting in the direction of the motion rather than in its form. There can be little doubt that the alteration in the direction of the motion here made is desirable; and to those who still retain the idea that it is advisable that a child be rocked we would certainly recommend this cot, especially if the pillow be kept high and the rocking be not excessive, as in this case blood will not be thrown to the head. Mr. Normans cradle may be said to be a swing with a cradle as a seat. As exhibited it is neat, and is draped in an aerial style. It has doubtless led many to covet it, if not to enter into the marriage state, with the hope of having such pretty furniture. It occurs at the exterior of the west end of the Furniture Court. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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