The Emperor and the Prince Imperial in the Reserved Garden of the Tuileries [Palace, in Paris], 1869. The Emperor Napoleon is in the daily habit of walking half an hour every morning in the reserved portion of the gardens attached to the palace of the Tuileries. He is usually attended by General Fleury, his aide-de-camp. The Prince Imperial, with one of his playfellows, a son of Dr. Conneau, a boy rather older, is frequently permitted to accompany his father. These young gentlemen have lately found a new amusement in the use of the fashionable bicycle, or two-wheeled velocipede, which the Prince has already learnt to manage with tolerable ease and precision. The Engraving represents a scene not uncommonly witnessed in the precincts of the Imperial abode. The young Prince takes the lead, of course, and delights his father with this display of his precocious skill. Dr. Conneaus son is rather behind-hand in the favourite accomplishment of the hour, unless it be that he has already learnt to be a courtier. The bicycle looks rather dangerous; but an attendant follows, who will catch either of the boys in case of a tumble. From "Illustrated London News", 1869.

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