Spectators line the banks of the turn basin to watch the dawn launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on mission STS-102. The rosy sky pales in comparison to the deep rose of the orbiter's exhaust trail that captures the rising sun's rays. Liftoff occurred at 6:42:09 EST March 8, 2001 for the eighth flight to the International Space Station. STS-102 was a Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS) flown by Space Shuttle Discovery and launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida. STS-102 flew in March 2001; its primary objectives were resupplying the ISS and rotating the Expedition 1 and Expedition 2 crews. Space Station Assembly Flight ISS-5A.1 was the first use of the Multi Purpose Logistics Module (Leonardo) to bring supplies to the station. Also carried an Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC). The ICC had the External Stowage Platform-1 mounted on its underside. ESP-1 was placed on the port side of 'Destiny' as a storage location for ORUs. The mission also included two spacewalks to relocate the units carried up by the ICC to the Destiny module exterior.

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