EditorialThe television showrunners Soo Hugh (“Pachinko”) and Damon Lindelof (“Lost,” “Mrs. Davis”) discuss learning from their staffs, wanting to hear “no” and navigating the writers’ strike. (Adriana Bellet/The New York Times)
EditorialThe television showrunners Soo Hugh (“Pachinko”) and Damon Lindelof (“Lost,” “Mrs. Davis”) discuss learning from their staffs, wanting to hear “no” and navigating the writers’ strike. (Adriana Bellet/The New York Times)
EditorialThe television showrunners Soo Hugh (“Pachinko”) and Damon Lindelof (“Lost,” “Mrs. Davis”) discuss learning from their staffs, wanting to hear “no” and navigating the writers’ strike. (Adriana Bellet/The New York Times)
EditorialThe television showrunners Soo Hugh (“Pachinko”) and Damon Lindelof (“Lost,” “Mrs. Davis”) discuss learning from their staffs, wanting to hear “no” and navigating the writers’ strike. (Adriana Bellet/The New York Times)
EditorialSampler, Bridget Rule, Scottish, Medium: silk embroidery on wool foundation Technique: embroidered in cross, satin, rococo, and double running stitches on plain weave foundation, Building with four columns with thistle on each side and larger curving f...
EditorialAuguste Rodin, (sculptor), French, 1840 - 1917, Mask of Katherine Seney Simpson (Mrs. John W. Simpson), 1902, plaster, overall: 17.8 x 19.5 x 15.3 cm (7 x 7 11/16 x 6 in.).
EditorialConcordat between Pope Leo XII and Willem I Frederik, King of the Netherlands, Silver Medal. Obverse: facing chest pieces of two men within a band, cut: year. Reverse: radiant triangle with inscription in Hebrew letters between orange tree and two cros...