EditorialSycamore maple, Acer pseudoplatanus L., Sycamore maple, Signed: Gez., by W. Liepolt; lith., from E. Beck; Printing and Editing by Ed., H?lzel, plate XLIV, Liepoldt, W. (gez.); Beck, E. (lith.); H?lzel, Ed. (ged. u. verl.), 1889, Gustav Hempel, Karl Wil...
EditorialEdelkastanie, Castanea vesca, Sweet chestnut, Signed: Gem. By W. Liepoldt, lith., by A. Lenz; Printing and Editing by Ed., H?lzel, Plate XIX, Liepoldt, W. (gem.); Lenz, A. (lith.); H?lzel, Ed. (ged. u. verl.), 1889, Gustav Hempel, Karl Wilhelm: Die B?u...